2021年2月21日 星期日

week 1. introduction: Experiential AI

Introduction to this semester topics:

Module I: Human-AI Interaction (Projects with TU/e) (interlaced)

        Mid-term presentations and final presentations are needed.

Module II:  Slow Technology & reflective design (6 weeks interlaced)

Module III: Object-Oriented Design (6 weeks interlaced)

Neo-Animism (animistic design)
Products with personality

   Yang, Q., Steinfeld, A., Rosé, C. and Zimmerman, J. 2020. Re-examining Whether, Why, and How Human-AI Interaction Is Uniquely Difficult to Design. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (New York, NY, Apr. 2020), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376301


1. Final project 40%
2. Personal homework, participation, discussion, 60% 

Final Project :
Team up with TU/e students
Co-work on the topics you like
Aims: submit to an International Conference
(individual projects are also welcome)

