1. students present "Broken IT Probes"
1. What is the meaning when IT products break?
2. Why people keep broken IT products?
3. How will the broken IT product become further broken? Can you imagine a "kintsugi" style of your IT product in terms of material or metaphor? What if GAI can generate some samples for you?
Broken probes: toward the design of worn media
japanese "kintsugi" (金繼)
Sen no Rikyu (千利休) : wabi sabi
also (mac restoration)
2. VR vs. AR
VR: Sutherland, I. A head-mounted three
dimensional display. In Proceedings
FJCC 1968, Thompson Books, Washington, DC, 1968
Mark Weiser, Computer for the 21st Century, 1991
Communications of the ACM Volume 36, Issue 7July 1993Special issue on computer augmented environments: back to the real world
Back to the real world
Knowledge-based augmented reality
Environmental technology: making the real world virtual
Mark Weiser, Designing Calm Technology, 1995
Magical Realist Design, DIS 2020
3. short group discussion about ACM CHI competition
(present next week)