2021年4月25日 星期日

week 10. wabi-sabi

Expanding on Wabi-Sabi as a Design Resource in HCI

student presentation of case studies

History of Ideas: wabi-sabi

In search of wabi sabi (BBC)

Is Zen life wabisabi (曹洞宗)

道元禪師 (引進中國曹洞宗)

一代茶聖千利休 電影


1. What is wabi-sabi
2. How to design with wabi-sabi?
3. How to relate wabi-sabi to slow design?
4. How to design wabi-sabi in Experiential AI?

Project 2. wabi-sabi as interaction design resource for Experiential AI
[Step 2] Ideation Cards: (constructive and generative methodology)
1. Collect concepts (or principles) related to Wabi-sabi
2. Collect your own design examples according to the principles
3. Select at least 22 examples for card-making
4. Create your own wabi-sabi design card deck for Experience AI.

Deadline 5/10, 2021

