1. reading: 3. Examples and Projects
2. student presentation of "form" and "material" strength in person
3. Slow Technology design case:
(1) Slow technology: critical reflection and future directions
(2) Photobox: on the design of a slow technology
(3) Designing for slowness, anticipation and re-visitation: a long term field study of the photobox
1. Use three aspects of slow technology (reflective technology, time technology, and amplified environments) to analyze Photobox.
2. Use "Form" and "Function" to analyze Photobox.
3. Evaluate Photobox with presence/use, aesthetics (inner logics)/empirical studies, reflection/usability, interpretation (explanation and understanding)/positivism, different contexts
4. Use guidelines for slow tech (simplicity in material and complexity in form) to analyze Photobox
Project 3. Slow technology design
1. find an interesting activity as you like, photo, dance, music, sport, reading, party, ...
(Take photos, record sounds, or video, capture screen, interview, ethnograph)
2. identify the fast parts of the activity
3. seek opportunities for three aspects of slow technology (reflective technology, time technology, and amplified environment)
deadline : 2014, 4, 14
reference: Smart Things: Chapter 14