Muscle Sensors
Current Situation
Sport injuries in daily life and happens everywhere, besides external impact resistance, long-term repetitive actions caused harm mostly happened in daily life, it usually occurs because the motion exercises and frequent duplication of activities, it caused injuries and slowly increasing pain.To help users to adjust their pose positions and keeps training balance to avoid injury.
- Daily Injury: in daily life, people are usually get muscular soreness because error pose, crookback when work at desk or even when walking by daily.
- Sport Injury: in training process, if no trainer around, user may use incorrect pose to train themselves
if these two situation get long, it may get serious injury they don't even know, and it may cause Acute sport injuries (慢性運動傷害).
Try to solve:
The design is try to help user to realize their unconscious wrong position may cause their physiological pain and adjust by daily.- In daily life, user can always know each movement, lift and position data is proper or not.
- When user pose error positions ex: out toe gait, crookback or lift things inconsistent, the device will alert user to adjust immediately.
- When exercising, yoga or anaerobic exercise, the device can always record data and sense lift balance or not and alert to help exert user with balance strength .
- Measuring each muscle level to avoid injury.
Case Study
Smart Muscle Sensors: Myolink
- Wearable sensor
- Device monitors muscles, heart and brain's electrical output
- Transmits data to smartphone via
- 3 sensors in each patch
Wearable Muscle Tension Sensors
- Can be wover into fabric to provide real-time data
Smart Sensor Racquet: Babolat Play
- To collect data information and shows analysis about shots power and shows consistency
- Track data history
Smart Sock: Sensoria Fitness
- Bluetooth connect
- 3 pressure sensors embedded directly into a washable sock.
- Able to record information in smartphone for tracking and analysis.
- Can monitor in real time how your foot is landing on the ground and can detect if you are heel striking, running with a flatfoot or in a way that could eventually lead to back pain...