2022年10月23日 星期日

week 8. probology

1. students present Cultural Probes for each team

3. introducing
"How HCI Interprets the Probes":

2. X-Probes:
(1) identify probes
(2) urban probes
(3) domestic probes
(4) value probes
(5) empathy probes
(6) mobile probes
(7) digital cultural probes
(8) cognitive probes
(9) technology probes

3. original probes features v.s. x-probes

epistemology-> methodology -> methods


Cultural probes and the value of uncertainty

Interpreting the Probes for final project, each team:
1. write down your own probology rules (or beliefs)
2. redesign your probes with various media and methods, according to your probology
3. collect probing data
4. interpret the data, seek the meanings, and perhaps the underlying intentionality behind phenomena.

Deadlines: Nov. 14, 2022.

2022年10月16日 星期日

week 7. probes as methods

1. Students present "EX2: living with data"
Recent cases:

more detail examples in

Probe Tools (Task Cam)

Making design probes work

Designing for an other Home: Expanding and Speculating on Different Forms of Domestic Life (DIS 18) (Diversifying the Domestic: A Design Inquiry into Collective and Mobile Living, DIS19)

situated visualization & co-speculation

student example:

Expected-Experience Entanglements
Confabulation Radio
Craft consciousness

1.  Each student present one type of probes in "How HCI Interprets the Probes" 
  (Oct 24, 2022)
2. Final project progress report (Oct 24, 2022)

2022年10月1日 星期六

week 5. presentation & discussion

1. Students present proposals for ACM submission.

2. EX2: Living with data  (10/17)

             auto-ethnography method

1. How do we live with data?
2. How do we perceive (feel) the data we live with?
3. What is the form of data to live with?
4. How are the correlation of different data?

EX2: living with data
Conduct an activity to answer the above questions.
Presentation date: Oct. 3, 2022. Oct. 17, 2022


3. short introduction to "back to the real world"