2021年3月28日 星期日

week 6. slow design & slow lab (Project 1)

Student presentation on:
The slow design principles

 Related design cases :
  Slow design by Barbara Grosse-Hering

Question and discussion:
1. what are the differences between slow tech and slow design?
2. What are the possible applied area of Redstrom's slow tech and the Slow Lab's design principles?

related papers in Slow Lab: (should we read?)


Project 1 presentation: April 12, 2021
Slow Something:
  1. propose slow + another_thing (slow past, slow memory, slow future, slow radio...)
  2. discuss the time element (fast vs. slow), reflective aspects, amplifying environments (hide or reveal), form (simple or complex), material...
  3. discuss the AI type (level 1~ level 4) of your slow design and the possible AI types for different contexts.
  3. Sketch your design
  4. Evaluate your design, in terms of experiential AI, phenomenological description, interpretation, meanings, significance, aesthetics, ...etc.
  5. summarize design principles

2021年3月21日 星期日

week 5. evaluating slow technology

1. Reading "Evaluating Slow Technology"
2. Message with slow technology examples:

GoSlow: designing for slowness, reflection and solitude

Photobox: on the design of a slow technology

The reflexive printer: toward making sense of perceived drawbacks in technology-mediated reminiscence

From 紙飛機 app to mettle

  1. How to design the quality of "Anticipation"?
  2. How to evaluate slow design?
  3. What is mindful interaction? How to relate it to slow design?

Reading articles:
   p. 209 : Evaluating Slow Technology
   art work vs. tools  evaluation
   " in a way similar to the methods developed in art critique: cultivating evaluation as the art of explanation and understanding."

    introducing slow design principles
    Case study of JuicyMo:
      1. current use analysis 2. ideation of JuicyMo  3. explain relevance to 6 principles 4. user test with principle cards and semi-structured interview

    propose 3 interaction movements
    analysis through interaction vocabularies (paired contrasts)
    levels of Richness, Control & Engagement (quantitatively)

Student presentation next week:
The slow design principles
 Slow design by Barbara Grosse-Hering

Homework 2:
Present at least 3 "slow technology" principles, describing the principles, giving examples, creating your own design cases.
Deadline 3/29


2021年3月14日 星期日

week 4. form, function & expression in Slow Tech

1. introduction to interaction design (Verplank's framework)
    Interaction Design Sketchbook

2.. reading: Slow Technology p. 209, Section 6, Form and Function

What is the form v.s. material of "slow technology"

 (1) Reflective technology
 (2) Time technology
 (3)  Amplified environments

  Section 8. Developing Guidelines for Slow Technology 

       . focus on slowness of appearance (materialisation, manifestation) and presence – the slow materialisation and design presence of form (F) 
    . focus on aesthetics of material and use simple basic tools of modern technology – the clear and simple design presence of matetial (M).

  Complex Form + Simple Material



Slow Games from Ishac Bertran on Vimeo.

Search "Slow Technology" in ACM DL

Why linear time? How about non-uniform speed of time?

example 1: "dark & big audio"  gradually changes to "light & silence"
example 2: "noisy & dark" gradually changes to "silent & bright"
example 3: INTOUCH project: 色溫 & 溫度

example 4: Mindball

example 5: Remind mirror


Make your sketch of "cross-sensory" interaction for concentration
Slow technology design with "cross-sensory" reflection.
See p. 206, 4.2 the art of concentration

Reading next week:
The slow design principles

Homework 1:
  Search at least 3 "slow technology" interaction design projects.
  keywords: slow technology, slow design, slow interaction, slow game...
  Deadline: 3/22, 2021

Project 1:
Contrast your final project with "ordinary design" & "slow design"
Slow Technology interaction design sketch
Deadline: 3/ 29, 2021 (propose and discuss)
Deadline: 4/ 12, 2021 (propose and discuss)

2021年3月7日 星期日

week 3. AI meets UX

0. students present project proposals

What is AI?

What is UX? (research process)

How to frame AI parctically?

How to fast prototype AI experience?

What are typical human-AI interaction design issues? (fairness, intelligibility, user's sense of control)


Re-examining Whether, Why, and How Human-AI Interaction Is Uniquely Difficult to Design

Prototyping AI:
1. Philip van Allen. 2018. Prototyping Ways of Prototyping
AI. Interactions 25, 6 (Oct. 2018), 46–51. DOI:
2. Esko Kurvinen, Ilpo Koskinen, and Katja Battarbee.
2008. Prototyping social interaction. Design Issues 24, 3
(2008), 46–57.

Human-AI Design guidelines & issues:
1. Saleema Amershi, Dan Weld, Mihaela Vorvoreanu,
Adam Fourney, Besmira Nushi, Penny Collisson, Jina
Suh, Shamsi Iqbal, Paul Bennett, Kori Inkpen, Jaime
Teevan, Ruth Kikin-Gil, and Eric Horvitz. 2019.
Guidelines for Human-AI Interaction. ACM.
2. Margaret Mitchell, Simone Wu, Andrew Zaldivar,
Parker Barnes, Lucy Vasserman, Ben Hutchinson, Elena
Spitzer, Inioluwa Deborah Raji, and Timnit Gebru. 2019.
Model Cards for Model Reporting. In Proceedings of the
Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and
Transparency (FAT* ’19). Association for Computing
Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 220–229. DOI: