2020年9月27日 星期日

week 3. ubiquitous computing and calm technology

1. Broken IT probes 
reference frames: object -> practice -> meanings
reference theory: activity theory (on interaction design org)

reference book: Understanding Media by McLuhan (麥克魯漢, 認識媒體)
1, 媒體四大律:
2. hot media vs. cool media (熱媒體 vs. 冷媒體)
3. rear-view mirror (後視鏡理論現象)
4. The medium is the message (媒體即訊息)
5. Understanding media: the extension of man (媒體: 人的延伸)

Thing ethnography?
Thing Constellation?
(The co-occurrence of things) 

2. Ubiquitous Computing / Calm Technology / Ambient Intelligence

Discussion on
Mark Weiser, Computer for the 21st Century
Mark Weiser, Designing Calm Technology

1. How do we live with data?
2. How do we perceive (feel) the data we live with?
3. What is the form of data to live with?
4. How are the correlation of different data?

Conduct an activity to answer the above questions.
Presentation date: Oct. 12, 2020.

Case study:
Objects of Research

Ambient Devices (where is ambient orb or umbrella?)

Ambient Intelligence
connected home product
Experiencing the Affective Diary
Reflecting on the design process of the Affective Diary

Enhancing ubiquitous computing with user interpretation: field testing the home health horoscope

2020年9月20日 星期日

week 2. self-introduction & IoT presentation

Suggested Presentation & critique guidelines:

    Background (problem, idea, gap)
    Purpose (better future, intended future)
    Method (framing, approach, tool)
    Result (outcome, expected output)

    Material (idea, problem, issue)
    Expression (metaphor, scenarios, emotion)
    Function  (task, path, technology)
    Form (representation, affordance)


1. 自我介紹,專長,個人惡趣味。
2. Students Present IoT examples


3. ACM student design competition Kick-off presentation
    What is the plan for design?
    How do you frame your problem?
    Which method do you want to use?
    What approach? Theory driven? Example based? Fictional paper abstract?
    Probing Example:

     Designing Memory Probes to Inform Dialogue

    Next presentation: Oct. 1, 2020

  2021 ACM student research competition
"The most profound technologies are those that disappear.
They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until
they are indistinguishable from it."

EX1: Broken IT probes (Oct. 5, 2020)
1. collect at least one "out-of-date" (old, worn) IT (information technology) product.
2. speculate with the object's viewpoint
3. complete a secrete-life diary of the object
上傳到Google drive (shown in FB community)


2020年9月13日 星期日

week 1. introduction

1. 學生為主體的學習 (報告、討論、帶領工作坊、參與競賽)
    Students as learning subjects (report, discussion, workshop holding, competition)

2. 自主學習設計方法、設計工具、設計流程。
    self learning design methods, design tools, design process

3. 自行蒐集設計資料、定義問題、製作設計工具。
    self collecting data, framing problems, making design tool

4. 自行訂定設計評估方法,使用者調查方法。
    self designing evaluation methods, user study methods


1. 互動設計領域重要論文研讀 (上學期: Ubi-comp, Tangible interaction, Calm tech,  下學期:  Slow tech, critical/reflective/ludic/speculative design, material interaction)

2. 互動設計研究方法學 (上學期: probology, research through design, 下學期: dialogical meaning-making, phenomenology)

3. 互動設計個案實作 (上學期: SIGCHI/DIS submission, 下學期: TEI/other submission)

個人報告  (Sept. 21, /2020)
1. 自我介紹 (self-intro)
2. 惡趣味介紹 (complicated pleasure sharing)
3. 智慧型設計分享 (https://www.postscapes.com/internet-of-things-examples/) 五組擇一分享。

1. 組隊 (2-5 人/隊)
2. 報告比賽規則, Q&A, discussion (Sept. 21., 2020)

期末: (final)

 組隊投稿 ACM 學生設計競賽/SIGCHI  Late-Breaking Work。
 Team up to participate ACM Student Design Competition or SIGCHI Late-Breaking Work.

ACM Student Research Competition: (Deadline Jan. 11st, 2021)


ACM SIGCHI Late-Breaking Work:



Expected-Experience Entanglements
Confabulation Radio
Craft consciousness
footpal team 2010
BlindNavi 2015

Mark Weiser, Computer for the 21st Century

評分方式: (Grading)
1. 個人表現 60% + 團隊表現 40 %
    Personal performance 60% + Team performance 40 %

2. 評分項目: 課堂出席、參與討論﹐、互相評論、競賽作品完整度。
    Evaluation items: course participation, discussion, critique, completeness of ACM competition