Understanding agency in interaction design materials, 2012. (material talks back)
Methodology for materiality: interaction design research through a material lens, Wiberg, 2013. (Methodology)
1. How to relate "material talks" concepts to Wabi-sabi ?
2. How to apply Wiberg's methodology to wabi-sabi aesthetics and HCI design?
Project 2, Material Exploration in everyday life
1. design your own "Material Probes"
ex. Spyn project , botanic printers, 綉珍's app logo probes, ....
Probes with digital technology in the form of 照片、貼紙、馬達、LED、...
2. record and collect how these probes appear in everyday life (照片、影片)
3. discuss how these "variations" of material interaction imply the nature of the material (with a phenomenological approach), related terms could be wabi-sabi, unfinalized, unfinished, imperfection, worn media, ...
deadline: May 13, 2019