2019年6月9日 星期日

week 17. project discussion

Project discussion

Final project (project 3):
1. 格式: ACM DIS Pictorial (https://dis2019.com/pictorials/) or ACM CHI Late-Breaking-Work (https://chi2019.acm.org/authors/late-breaking-work/), 至少 6頁
2. 主題:  object-oriented X,以物為主體觀點的設計研究探索,結合material interaction,chatbot 相關議題
3. 上傳到 google drive 中 Final project 資料夾。

1. TaiCHI 2019 (台灣 CHI, deadline 7/26)
2. ACM TEI 2020 (paper 8/3, 另有 pictorial, late-breaking-work, art, 日期更後面)

2019年6月2日 星期日

week 16. object-oriented Annotated portfolios


1. ontography (本體書寫)


flat ontography:

On the presentation and production of design research artifacts in HCI

How do you define an ontology by presenting "ontography" or Latour Litanies?

Annotated Portfolios:

0. research through design & annotated portfolios
1. annotated portfolios
2. strong concepts

What are the human-centered vs. object-oriented annotated portfolios?

Project 3.
object ontography:
1. using ontography to present your own interesting ontology.
2. choose at least 3 object-oriented designed interaction design artifacts, present their ontographies, and annotated portfolios (both human-centered and object-oriented views)

Deadline 6/10, 2019

2019年5月26日 星期日

week 15. Performativity in design

Embodied narratives: a performative co-design technique

Things Making Things: An Ethnography of theImpossible

Designing Behavior in Interaction: Using Aesthetic Experience as a Mechanism for Design



Interview with Things

Project 3: (warm-up) deadline June 3rd, 2019
Object-Oriented Design
1. Anchor your objects, materials, or technology as the "ontological" subject
2. Identify Object-Oriented "X",
    "X" could be anythings which are intended to be "human-centered" typically
  for example, Object-Oriented "cultural probes", Objected-Oriented "annotated portfolios", Object-Oriented Performance, Object-Oriented ethnography, ...
3. Design an Object-Oriented approach along with Chatbot, material interaction, ...
4. Present your ideas with object performance, material sketch, li-fi props...

2019年5月12日 星期日

week 13. object-oriented Ethnography

1. Design Ethnography
2. New trends of "design ethnography"
    anticipatory ethnography
    ethnography of the possible
    ethnography of the impossible

how about object-oriented ethnography?
What is ethnography ?
What is phenomenology?
How do they relate to design?


2. Qualitative methodologies: ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory and more

3. very short introduction:

Notes on Ethnography and Design

4. Blomberg et al. 經典:
An Ethnographic Approach to Design

how to define object-oriented ethnography?
how about chatbot for ethnography?  The Ethnobot
(How To Conduct User Research for Chatbots ?)
(Cheering up the chatbot | Ethnography Matters)

An Internet of Social Things

2019年4月27日 星期六

week 11. material talks and methodology

Understanding agency in interaction design materials, 2012. (material talks back)

Methodology for materiality: interaction design research through a material lens, Wiberg, 2013. (Methodology)

New Materialism by Fox and Alldred (2018)

material-centered design vs. user-centered design

1. How to relate "material talks" concepts to Wabi-sabi ?
2. How to apply Wiberg's methodology to wabi-sabi aesthetics and HCI design?

Project 2, Material Exploration in everyday life

1. design your own "Material Probes" 
    ex. Spyn project , botanic printers, 綉珍's app logo probes, ....
     Probes with digital technology in the form of 照片、貼紙、馬達、LED、...
2. record and collect how these probes appear in everyday life (照片、影片)
3. discuss how these "variations" of material interaction imply the nature of the material (with a phenomenological approach), related terms could be wabi-sabi, unfinalized, unfinished, imperfection, worn media, ...

deadline: May 13, 2019

2019年4月14日 星期日

week 9. wabi-sabi in HCI

Expanding on Wabi-Sabi as a Design Resource in HCI




《牯嶺街少年殺人事件》25周年重映 正式預告



珈琲時光 預告 

Café Lumière Trailer


【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】預告片 Part 1


映画『若葉のころ』予告編 (原題:5月一号)

5月一号【First of May】電影預告

vs. 中國,台灣,韓國茶道。

2019年4月7日 星期日

week 8. wabi-sabi

Expanding on Wabi-Sabi as a Design Resource in HCI

student presentation of case studies

History of Ideas: wabi-sabi

In search of wabi sabi (BBC)

Is Zen life wabisabi (曹洞宗)

道元禪師 (引進中國曹洞宗)

一代茶聖千利休 電影


1. What is wabi-sabi
2. How to design with wabi-sabi?
3. How to relate wabi-sabi to slow design?

Project 2. wabi-sabi as interaction design resource
[Step 2] Ideation Cards:
1. Collect concepts (or principles) related to Wabi-sabi
1. Collect your own design examples according to the principles
2. Select at least 22 examples for card-making
3. Create your own wabi-sabi design card deck for music playing or reminiscence.

Deadline 4/29, 2019

2019年3月31日 星期日

week 7. introducing material turn

Computational Compositions: Aesthetics, Materials, and Interaction Design, Wiberg, 

"Material interactions": from atoms & bits to entangled practices, 2012, ACM CHI panel

Understanding agency in interaction design materials, 2012. (material talks back)

Methodology for materiality: interaction design research through a material lens, Wiberg, 2013. (Methodology)

Giving form to computational things: developing a practice of interaction designAnna Vallga˚rda, 2014. (Framework)

Electric materialities and interactive technology, James Pierce, 2013

PUC theme issue: material interactions, 2014. (special issue, PUC)

Broken probes: toward the design of worn media, Daniela Rosner, 2014 (wabi-sabi)

Interaction Design as a Bricolage PracticeAnna Vallgårda & Ylva Fernaeus, 2015

Expanding on Wabi-Sabi as a Design Resource in HCIVasiliki Tsaknaki & Ylva Fernaeus, 2016

1. How does Microboundary relate to Wabi-sabi
2. Wabi-sabi and system 1/2 thinkings?
3. What is the relationship between wabi-sabi and mindful interaction?

Student presentation on Wabi-Sabi & its design cases next week.


2019年3月17日 星期日

week 5. slow tech & mindful interaction

Design Frictions for Mindful Interactions

 designed friction to provide "micorboundary" for system 1 changing to system 2
 System 1 v.s. system 2 thinking by Daniel Kahneman

The aesthetic of friction (Pleasurable Troublemakers)

Designing Mindful Interaction:The Category of Performative Object by Kristina Niedderer

What are the possible experiential qualities that are elicited by slow technology? anticipation, mindfulness, reflection, microboundaries?

brainstorming and ideation of project 1.


Increasing Accuracy by Decreasing Presentation Quality in Transcription Tasks

2019年3月10日 星期日

week 4. slow design & slow lab

Student presentation on:
The slow design principles

 Related design cases :
  Slow design by Barbara Grosse-Hering

Question and discussion:
1. what are the differences between slow tech and slow design?
2. What are the possible applied area of Redstrom's slow tech and the Slow Lab's design principles?

related papers in Slow Lab: (should we read?)


Project 1 presentation: March 25, 2019
Slow Something:
  1. propose slow + another_thing
  2. discuss the time element (fast vs. slow), reflective aspects, amplifying environments (hide or reveal), form (simple or complex), material...
  3. Sketch your design
  4. Evaluate your design
  5. summarize design principles

2019年3月3日 星期日

week 3. evaluating slow technology

1. Reading "Evaluating Slow Technology"
2. Message with slow technology examples:

GoSlow: designing for slowness, reflection and solitude

Photobox: on the design of a slow technology

The reflexive printer: toward making sense of perceived drawbacks in technology-mediated reminiscence

From 紙飛機 app to mettle

  1. How to design the quality of "Anticipation"?
  2. How to evaluate slow design?
  3. What is mindful interaction? How to relate it to slow design?

Reading articles:
   p. 209 : Evaluating Slow Technology
   art work vs. tools  evaluation
   " in a way similar to the methods developed in art critique: cultivating evaluation as the art of explanation and understanding."

    introducing slow design principles
    Case study of JuicyMo:
      1. current use analysis 2. ideation of JuicyMo  3. explain relevance to 6 principles 4. user test with principle cards and semi-structured interview

    propose 3 interaction movements
    analysis through interaction vocabularies (paired contrasts)
    levels of Richness, Control & Engagement (quantitatively)

Student presentation next week:
The slow design principles
 Slow design by Barbara Grosse-Hering

Homework 2:
Present at least 3 "slow technology" principles, describing the principles, giving examples, creating your own design cases.
Deadline 3/11


2019年2月24日 星期日

week 2. form & function in Slow Tech

1. reading: Slow Technology p. 209, Section 6, Form and Function
2. Student present "slow technology" examples

Slow technology design with "cross-sensory" reflection.
See p. 206, 4.2 the art of concentration

example 1: "dark & big audio"  gradually changes to "light & silence"
example 2: "noisy & dark" gradually changes to "silent & bright"
example 3: INTOUCH project: 色溫 & 溫度

example 4: Mindball

example 5: Remind mirror


Make your sketch of "cross-sensory" interaction for concentration

Reading next week:
The slow design principles

2019年2月17日 星期日

week 1. introduction: beyond usability

Introduction to this semester topics, beyond usability:

Module I:  Slow Technology & reflective design (6 weeks)

Module II: Material Turn (material interaction) (6 weeks)

Module III: Speculative Turn (Object-Oriented Ontology) (6 weeks)

Beyond usability:


1. introduction to interaction design (Verplank's framework)
    Interaction Design Sketchbook

2. Slow Technology by Redstrom




Search "Slow Technology" in ACM DL

Why linear time? How about non-uniform speed of time?

Homework 1:
  Search at least 3 "slow technology" interaction design projects.
  keywords: slow technology, slow design, slow interaction, slow game...
  Deadline: 2/25, 2019

Project 1:

Slow Technology interaction design sketch
Deadline: 3/ 4, 2019 (propose and discuss)