2017年3月19日 星期日

week 6. slow tech & mindful interaction

Design Frictions for Mindful Interactions

 designed friction to provide "micorboundary" for system 1 changing to system 2
 System 1 v.s. system 2 thinking by Daniel Kahneman

The aesthetic of friction (Pleasurable Troublemakers)

Designing Mindful Interaction:The Category of Performative Object by Kristina Niedderer

What are the possible experiential qualities that are elicited by slow technology? anticipation, mindfulness, reflection, microboundaries?

brainstorming and ideation of project 1.


Increasing Accuracy by Decreasing Presentation Quality in Transcription Tasks

week 5. evaluating slow technology

1. student presentation of "slow technology" principles.
2. Reading "Evaluating Slow Technology"
3. Message with slow technology examples:

GoSlow: designing for slowness, reflection and solitude

Photobox: on the design of a slow technology

The reflexive printer: toward making sense of perceived drawbacks in technology-mediated reminiscence

From 紙飛機 app to mettle

  1. How to design the quality of "Anticipation"?
  2. How to evaluate slow design?
  3. What is mindful interaction? How to relate it to slow design?

Reading articles:
   p. 209 : Evaluating Slow Technology
   art work vs. tools  evaluation
   " in a way similar to the methods developed in art critique: cultivating evaluation as the art of explanation and understanding."

    introducing slow design principles
    Case study of JuicyMo:
      1. current use analysis 2. ideation of JuicyMo  3. explain relevance to 6 principles 4. user test with principle cards and semi-structured interview

    propose 3 interaction movements
    analysis through interaction vocabularies (paired contrasts)
    levels of Richness, Control & Engagement (quantitatively)


2017年3月12日 星期日

week 4. slow design & slow lab

Student sharing 3 slow technology design cases.

Student presentation on:
The slow design principles

 Related design cases :
  Slow design by Barbara Grosse-Hering

Question and discussion:
1. what are the differences between slow tech and slow design?
2. What are the possible applied area of Redstrom's slow tech and the Slow Lab's design principles?

related papers in Slow Lab:


Project 1 presentation: March 27, 2017

2017年3月5日 星期日

week 3. form & function in Slow Tech

1. reading: Slow Technology p. 209, Section 6, Form and Function
2. Student present "slow technology" examples

Slow technology design with "cross-sensory" reflection.
See p. 206, 4.2 the art of concentration

example 1: "dark & big audio"  gradually changes to "light & silence"
example 2: "noisy & dark" gradually changes to "silent & bright"
example 3: INTOUCH project: 色溫 & 溫度

example 4: Mindball

example 5: Remind mirror


Make your sketch of "cross-sensory" interaction for concentration

Reading next week:
The slow design principles