2015年5月18日 星期一

week 11. material awareness

Material Awareness by James Pierce

1. three relations between technology and human
2. slow technology as a hermeneutic relation: How can slow tech provide material awareness?
3.What is awareness? What is to be aware?
4. readiness-to-hand v.s. presence-at-hand

Project 3
[step 3]
1. What is the material to be aware of?
2. What form could be used to provide material awareness?
     hermeneutic relation: slow technology: physical form according to time-aspect
     alterity relation: animate objects
     How about embodiment relations?
3. Propose a series of 3 tangible artifacts to provide material awareness:
     1. embodiment relation
     2. hermeneutic relation
     3. alterity relation

present "form studies" (also ref: counterfunctional things) on 5/26

TEI submission INFO:


2015年5月11日 星期一

week 10. presentation and discussion

student presentation and discussion on:

Project 3. Slow technology design
[Step 2] PROBING

2015年5月4日 星期一

week 9. experiencing prototype

1. Experience making activity:
    (1) Choose a target user
    (2) Visit the user's microblog (FB, twitter), and select one post
    (3) Using keywords in the post to search for another new article (book intro, news title, or user's previous post)
   (4) interweave the post and the article and send to the user
   (5) interview and discuss the experience

2. Introduce examples:
   (1) Reflexive printer

Reflexive printer from Benforest on Vimeo.

   (1) CrescendoMessage
   (2) AniPrinter

   One-hour photo

3. Ideation with Interaction Tarot