2024年10月13日 星期日

week 7. observation methods

tutorial: ESP32 CAM (by TA)


1. What is Observation in Design Process?
2. What observation methods are there?
3. What is the method of Cultural Probes?
4. How to design Cultural Probes ?
5. How to collect/analyse/interpret data?

smart things by M.

Chapter 14. Observation and Ideation

A bAsic observAtion method

1. Define the scope of the observation
2. Pick an audience
3. Observe for an extended period
4. Document observations
5. Interview representatives
6. Organize observations
7. Identify patterns
8. make recommendations

SPECIFIC METHODS: digital ethnography and Public Photos diary studies design Probes
           Cultural Probes
           Technology Probes

14.2 iDeatiOn

     IDEO methods cards
     IDEO methods cards app

14.2.2 new ideAtion tools crowdsourcing

1. Invite people to generate ideas using a fixed set of criteria.
2. generate hundreds or thousands of ideas.
3. Invite other people to evaluate the quality of the ideas generated by the people in the first
group. Use multiple people to evaluate each idea (or set of ideas) and average the results.
4. Use the highest rated ideas as seeds for further ideation in-house. bodystorming

Gaver: Design: Cultural Probes, 1999
Wallace: How Design Probes Work, 2013

Designing Memory Probes to Inform Dialogue (DIS18)

Final Project (ACM SDC Project Probes): stage 1 (initial probes design & interview)
1. Design you Probe Package (deadline 2024/10/28)
    Shoot all your package elements in row and column, upload to google drive.
2. Conduct Probing
3. Interview and Report (Deadline 2024/11/4)

2024年9月29日 星期日

week 5. presentation & discussion

I. Students present EX2: Living with data 

             auto-ethnography method

1. How do we live with data?
2. How do we perceive (feel) the data we live with?
3. What is the form of data to live with?
4. How are the correlation of different data?


Data Epics: Embarking on Literary Journeys of Home Internet of Things Data

II. revisit "calm technology" and "back to the real world"  

Mark Weiser, Designing Calm Technology

  calm technology/ambient intelligence/ambient awareness


1. Data and attention issues. Which data should get into our attention? in what form?

2. How to design calmer experience ?

3. How does "locatedness" play a role? What is spatial intelligence (in problem solving like disassembling and assembling a bike)?

4. Where, How, are data displayed? Digital or Tangible? Raw data, classified data, computed data, or AI processed data?

III. team-building and group discussion of final project 

2024年9月22日 星期日

week 4. back to the real world

 1. students present "Broken IT Probes"


1. What is the meaning when IT products break?

2. Why people keep broken IT products?

3. How will the broken IT product become further broken? Can you imagine a  "kintsugi" style of your IT product in terms of material or metaphor? What if GAI can generate some samples for you? 


Broken probes: toward the design of worn media

japanese "kintsugi" (金繼)

Sen no Rikyu (千利休) : wabi sabi
also  (mac restoration)

2. VR vs. AR

VR:  Sutherland, I. A head-mounted three dimensional display. In Proceedings FJCC 1968, Thompson Books, Washington, DC, 1968

Mark Weiser, Computer for the 21st Century, 1991


            Back to the real world


            Knowledge-based augmented reality

            Environmental technology: making the real world virtual

Mark Weiser, Designing Calm Technology, 1995

Magical Realist Design, DIS 2020

3. short group discussion about ACM CHI competition 
    (present next week)

2024年9月14日 星期六

week 3. ubiquitous computing and calm technology

1. Broken IT probes 
reference frames: object -> practice -> meanings
reference theory: activity theory (on interaction design org)

reference book: Understanding Media by McLuhan (麥克魯漢, 認識媒體)

1, 媒體四大律:

2. hot media vs. cool media (熱媒體 vs. 冷媒體)
3. rear-view mirror (後視鏡理論現象)
4. The medium is the message (媒體即訊息)
5. Understanding media: the extension of man (媒體: 人的延伸)

McLuhan’s tetrad of the media :
  • What does the medium enhance, referring to the way in which a new medium enhances or amplifies an existing medium?
  • What does the new medium make obsolete, or in other terms, does the new medium eventually render an existing medium obsolete?
  • What does the medium retrieve that had been obsolesced earlier, referring to how a new medium can bring back something that was previously lost or forgotten?
  • What does the medium reverse or flip into when pushed to extremes, describing how a new medium can eventually be used in a way that is opposite to its original intended purpose?

  1. Takkeci, Mehmet Sarper, and Arzu Erdem. 2024. "McLuhan’s Tetrad as a Tool to Interpret the Impact of Online Studio Education on Design Studio Pedagogy" Trends in Higher Education 3, no. 2: 273-296. https://doi.org/10.3390/higheredu3020017
  2. McLuhan, M.; Powers, B.R. The Global Village: Transformations in World Life and Media in the 21st Century; Communication and Society; Oxford University Press: New York, NY, USA, 1989; ISBN 9780195079104. [Google Scholar]
  3. McLuhan, M.; McLuhan, E. Laws of Media: The New Science; University of Toronto Press: Toronto, Canada, 1992; ISBN 9780802077158. [Google Scholar]

Thing ethnography?
Thing Constellation?
(The co-occurrence of things) 

1. How do we live with data?
2. How do we perceive (feel) the data we live with?
3. What is the form of data to live with?
4. How are the correlation of different data?

EX2: living with data
Conduct an activity to answer the above questions.
Presentation date: Oct. 2, 2024.


2024年9月7日 星期六

week 2. self-introduction & IoT presentation

Suggested Presentation & critique guidelines:

1. BPMRC (structure about research, plan, novel idea, ...)
    Background (problem, idea, gap)
    Purpose (better future, intended future)
    Method (framing, approach, tool)
    Result (outcome, expected output)

2. MEFF (structure about describing a design artifact)
    Material (idea, problem, issue)
    Expression (metaphor, scenarios, emotion)
    Function  (task, path, technology)
    Form (representation, affordance)


1. 自我介紹,專長,個人惡趣味。
    students present personal complicated pleasures 
2. Students Present IoT examples


3. ACM student design competition Kick-off presentation
    What is the plan for design?
    How do you frame your problem?
    Which method do you want to use?
    What approach? Theory driven? Example based? Fictional paper abstract?
    Probing Example:

     Designing Memory Probes to Inform Dialogue

    Next presentation: Sept. 18, 2024

   ACM Student Design Competition: (Deadline Jan. 23, 2025)

ACM SIGCHI Late-Breaking Work: (Deadline Jan. 23, 2025)

DIS examples:
   DIS 2021 (Designing Interactive System)
   DIS pictorial example Botanic Printer

3. Discussion on Weiser's "The computer for 21st Century"
"The most profound technologies are those that disappear.
They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until
they are indistinguishable from it."
"Smart Mobs: The next social revolution" Chapter 4.
"聰明行動族" 第四章 pp. 129~175

EX1: Broken IT probes (Sept. 25, 2024)
1. collect at least one "out-of-date" (old, worn) IT (information technology) product.
2. how do you repair the IT product? Does it work? Which technology goes out-of-date or completely disappears?
3. What did this IT replace the other things in old days? By what object is this IT product replace.  
4. How do you frame this IT product in terms of technology, practice, ritual, meanings...

Upload to Google drive (shown in FB community)

舊書修復: (repairing the old book)

2024年9月1日 星期日

week 1. introduction

How this course goes:

1. 學生為主體的學習 (報告、討論、帶領工作坊、參與競賽)
    Students as learning subjects (report, discussion, workshop holding, competition)

2. 自主學習設計方法、設計工具、設計流程。
    self learning design methods, design tools, design process

3. 自行蒐集設計資料、定義問題、製作設計工具。
    self collecting data, framing problems, making design tool

4. 自行訂定設計評估方法,使用者調查方法。
    self designing evaluation methods, user study methods

What to learn:

1. 互動設計領域重要論文研讀 (Ubi-comp, Tangible interaction, Calm tech, / Slow tech, critical/reflective/ludic/speculative design, material interaction)

2. 互動設計研究方法學 (probology, research through design, / dialogical meaning-making, phenomenology)

3. 互動設計個案實作 (SIGCHI/DIS submission)

個人報告  (Sept. 9, /2024)
1. 自我介紹 (self-intro)
2. 惡趣味介紹 (complicated pleasure sharing)
3. 智慧型設計分享 (https://www.postscapes.com/internet-of-things-examples/) 五組擇一分享。(choose one category to share next week in classroom)

course outcomes targeting:

ACM CHI 2025 Student Design Competition

1. 組隊 (2-5 人/隊) (2-5 students as a team)
2. 報告比賽規則, Q&A, discussion (Sept. 9, 2024)

ACM SIGCHI Late-Breaking Work

期末: (final)

 組隊投稿 ACM 學生設計競賽/SIGCHI  Late-Breaking Work。
 Team up to participate ACM Student Design Competition or SIGCHI Late-Breaking Work.

ACM Student Design Competition: (Deadline Jan. 23, 2025)


ACM SIGCHI Late-Breaking Work: (Deadline Jan. 23, 2025)

Once Upon a Future

footpal team 2010
BlindNavi 2015

Mark Weiser, Computer for the 21st Century

評分方式: (Grading)
1. 個人表現 60% + 團隊表現 40 %
    Personal performance 60% + Team performance 40 %

2. 評分項目: 課堂出席、參與討論﹐、互相評論、競賽作品完整度。
    Evaluation items: course participation, discussion, critique, completeness of ACM competition

join course group (course syllabus updated every week) :